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Título Recursos en linia Editar Eliminar
Subtítulo Is there anything more beautiful than this Editar Eliminar
Párrafo Hi ha alguna cosa més bonica que això?: Un video de bon veure sobre la Terra com planeta viu i que fa un homenatge a algunes victimes de la seva defensa. Enllaç amb Is there anything more beautiful than this

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Subtítulo The Story of Change Editar Eliminar
Párrafo Comprar, pot salvar el món? The Story of Change urgeix a qui visiona el film a deixar de banda les tarjetes de crèdit i començar a exercir el seu poder ciutadà per construir un món més sostenible, just. Enllaç amb The Story of Change

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Subtítulo The Story of Broke Editar Eliminar
Párrafo Si vols saber que és el que s'ha trencat al Estat Units d'Amèrica, ara tens l'oportunitat de veure-ho en aquesta historieta animada d'Annie Leonard. Enllaç amb The Story of Broke

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Subtítulo The Story of Citizens United v. FEC Editar Eliminar
Párrafo The Story of Citizens United v. FEC és una exploració del poder que les corporations exerceixen en la democràcia. Enllaç amb The Story of Citizens United v. FEC

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Subtítulo The Story of Electronics Editar Eliminar
Párrafo Si et preocupa el problema dels residus que es generen quan es fan mal be els productes electrònics, has de veure el nou video d'Annie Leonard produit en col·laboració amb Electronics Take Back Coalition, i que es titula The Story of Electronics: Why 'Designed for the dump' is toxic for people and the Planet. Enllaç amb The Story of Electronics

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Subtítulo The Story of Cosmetics Editar Eliminar
Párrafo The Story of Cosmetics és una crida a donar suport a la legislació adreçada a assegurar la seguretat dels cosmètics i els productes de cura personal. Enllaç amb The Story of Cosmetics

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Subtítulo The Story of Bottled Water Editar Eliminar
Párrafo The Story of Bottled Water, es va presenter el 22 de març de 2010 (Dia Mundial de l'Aigua) i es una crida a veure aigua de l'aixeta i evitar l'aigua embotellada, i a donar suport a les inversions per donar aigua neta a tot-hom. Enllaç amb The Story of Bottled Water Editar Eliminar
Subtítulo The Story of Cap & Trade Editar Eliminar
Párrafo La historia de ‘Cap & Trade’ (Posar un limit i Mercadejar) és una mirada ràpida i plena de fets a la principal solució climàtica que s’està discutint a Copenhague i al Capitoli de Washington (EUA). La convidada Annie Leonard ens introdueix als mercarders de l’energia i als financers de Wall Street que són en el moll de l’os d’aquest confabulació i ens revela el “dimoni en detall’ que hi ha en les actuals propostes de posar límit i mercadejar: permisos gratuits als grans contaminadors, falses reduccions d’emissions i distracció respecte del que realment es requereix per afrontar la crisi climàtica. Si has sentit a dir quelcom sobre el ‘Cap & Trade’, però no estas segur de com funciona (o a qui beneficia), aquest és un film per a tu. (Traducció de l’original anglès: Pep Puig i Boix)
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Subtítulo The Story of Stuff Editar Eliminar
Párrafo Si es vol visualitzar l'excel·lent treball ‘The Story of Stuff’ realitzat pel 'Workgroup for Sustainable Production and Consumption' i narrat per Annie Leonard:
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Aquesta és la carta que Els Verds - Alternativa Verda, en tant que membre de la xarxa mundial GAIA - Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance - Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives, ha rebut d'Annie Leonard:
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Párrafo December 5th, 2007

Dear GAIA friends,

I am happy to announce the launch of a new film which some of you saw at the GAIA Global Meeting in Spain this fall, The Story of Stuff. Much of what I include in the film is based on experiences I shared with or things I learned from GAIA members around the world, so I offer you my sincere thanks.

You can see the film at Here is a little description of the film:

All the stuff in our lives, beginning from the extraction of the resources to make it, through its production, sale, use and disposal, affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues and calls for all of us coming together to create a more sustainable and just world. It'll teach you something. It'll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever.

In addition to the film itself, there are many additional resources on the website which may be of use. There is a footnoted script, a glossary, and a great list of recommended reading. There are also materials for groups to use if they want to show The Story of Stuff in classrooms, church groups, community meetings, workshops - anywhere. There is a downloadable and printable poster advertising screenings, a printable invitation for house parties, a guide to having house parties, and some suggestions for group discussions and activities after viewing the film.

The film is very much geared towards people new to these issues so is an introductory film.

The film does not cover every issue related to waste, of course. If offers a big picture critique of the systemic problems with our current patterns of extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal. My hope is that many of you will find it useful in your organizing and outreach efforts to explain the bigger picture, to inspire people to think deeply, and then you can follow up by explaining why your particular point of intervention is helpful and how it relates to other issues. I believe that the more we can see beyond our issue-silos to connect with others working on related issues, then the more our collective work will address the fundamental systemic causes of these problems and build power towards really transforming this system to be one that prioritizes environmental sustainability AND social justice.

My hope is that people will watch the film because it is entertaining, and then will be inspired to get involved.

Hope you all like it! If you do, please forward it to friends. And if you want to put a link to it from your website, or announce it in any newsletter or anything, there are some cute graphics available for you to use as much as you want on the website. We encourage people to watch and download it for free, share it, copy it, and show it as much as you want for free, as long you're using it for educational, not commercial, purposes. Also, if you want to share some comments, please post a message on the blog. I think it would be great to hear from people around the world to incorporate perspectives from many countries into the discussion. Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts there.

Again, many thanks for all that I have learned from so many of you this past decade of working together.


Annie Leonard

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Párrafo Annie Leonard: Heroina del medi ambient 2008, segons la revista Time
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Els Verds. Alternativa Verda - Alternativa Verda ONG